
Japanese version below.
As the extended rainy season ends in Vancouver, it begins in Japan, which the Japanese calle “tsuyu”. From early June to mid-July, the rainy, humid weather takes hold of the island, and creates the perfect conditions for moss to flourish. Hues of vibrant green fill the land, and I always loved visiting the temple grounds and gardens, and enjoying the lushness the rain brought with it.
I’m sure many of you have seen, and may have noticed, that moss (koke in Japanese) is often a feature in Japanese gardens. In fact, moss is deeply entwined within Japanese culture. This is due to a number of reasons, but it brings me back to my very first blog, on the topic of wabi sabi. Moss expresses those aesthetics, as it is a symbol of simplicity, subtlety, transience, and imperfection. In the wild, moss rarely grows in perfect circles, and it never becomes too tall or ostentatious. It sits close to the ground, often in the shade, existing simply in the subtlety of rock beds and damp shady spots. Moss is simultaneously vibrant, yet so fragile–requiring very specific conditions for it to flourish.
Okunoin Cemetary, Koya, Wakayama, Japan
Because of their subtlety, mosses can easily be overlooked, but when we look more closely we can find a world of complex, intricate, delicate forms in shades of green, grey, and rust. There is something wondrous about how moss adheres to worn surfaces and tree trunks–creating random patterns, vibrant colours, and soft textures.
In my own art and jewelry creation, moss and lichen colours and textures have been integral to my creative process. Whether I find myself in Japan or BC, I continue to find endless inspiration observing and photographing the mosses and lichens I come across. On daily walks, I take note of their patterns on trees in my neighbourhood–there is an endless world to be found within each patch of moss.
Okunoin Cemetary, Koya, Wakayama, Japan; VanDusen Gardens, Vancouver
When I paint with enamel is when I get to really experiment with my favourite palette of greens, grays, and rusts to create jewelry with a sense of depth and balance. The entwinement of these colors are inspired by the moss that I photograph and observe.

I am always adding new pieces inspired by moss to my collection. Please visit my online store to shop for moss inspired jewelry, and if you want to keep informed when my new work is added, please subscribe to my newsletter from my homepage.
MAY 29, 2022